Thursday, August 13, 2009


Azimuth is frequently teemed with students from various colleges for industrial visit in and around Pondicherry and from other places. The management encourages industrial visit every year to students from various colleges. The company spends time for activities like IV with a motto to help them in learning things practically and thereby giving exposure in academic point of view. Knowing the importance of the IV for students the company has a meticulous schedule to explain various activities of Azimuth elaborately and effectively so that the students get good exposure in knowing different places, interacting with industrial people directly.

On 8th of August, 2009 the company had 50 students from Kodai Christian College for industrial visit. The schedule started with PowerPoint presentation to give a brief idea about the company the scope of its business and its products. It was later followed by the company tour lead by the HR personnel. The activities in various departments of Azimuth were explained to them and the role they play. Live demo of e- learning (for online training) was shown to the students to make them understand the importance of e- learning and the construction of it. Every IV that Azimuth encounter is an unforgettable experience. To mention, this IV particularly gave an overwhelming response from the students and the college faculties.

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